Rotary International
The world’s first service club was the Rotary Club of Chicago, founded in 1905 by Paul Harris. Today Rotary is the largest volunteer service club in the world. Rotary International is an organization of over 1.2 million business and professional leaders in over 30,000 clubs in 200+ countries. Rotary sees its mission as:
- Enhancing fellowship and respect among professional business persons
- Recognizing and enhancing the worth and dignity of all useful occupations
- Promoting and encouraging the ideal of service to local and worldwide communities
- Advancing international peace and goodwill through the fellowship of business and professional people
- Promoting the idea of “Service Above Self” by giving of our time and talents to help our communities.

In the last twenty years, Rotary has committed over $600 million in its Polio Plus campaign to eradicate polio. Today, Rotary International is focusing on promoting literacy, potable water, and environment and infrastructure development concerns. Rotary continues to work for world peace and understanding.
The Paoli-Malvern-Berwyn (PMB) Rotary Club has pledged its commitment to these ideals and is striving to carry on with the individual and collective effort of its membership.
Benefits of Membership
- A flyer with new member information for PMB Rotary can be downloaded here: PMB new Members Info Sept 2018_
- Meet fellow community members and business professionals in an enjoyable, relaxed atmosphere.
- Become actively involved in community projects and worldwide charitable endeavors
- Learn about local, national, and international topics through our weekly programming
- Be part of a dynamic, inclusive, internationally known, and non-denominational community service organization.
Membership Dues:
- There are small annual membership dues.
- You can find out more information about membership dues here.