On June 17th, the Installation Ceremony of the incoming Board for the 2021-22 Rotary Year was kindly hosted at the home of Dr. Mark Cunningham, his wife Jackie and family with refreshments provided by Mark and pot-luck dinner contributions by all Club Members.
District Governor Kevin Katarynick graciously presided over the Installation – a simple but symbolic annual ritual which provided a welcome “return to normalcy”. Over 35,000 clubs worldwide are conducting similar meetings this month as Rotary leadership – from top to bottom – turns over while the work goes on, almost without missing a beat. “Service Above Self” speaks for itself. We are sorry that some of our members were not able to attend but know you were there in spirit.

The meeting opened with Mark giving a moving invocation that reflected on the loss, sacrifice and perseverance of millions of people during the COVID-19 global pandemic. We then recognized 7 individuals receiving their first or multiple Paul Harris Fellow recognition (for donations of $1000 increments to Rotary Foundation). An important part of the meeting was welcoming two new Club members, Mary Ann Piccioni and Stacy Krick. We look forward to the contributions of their experience, time and energy to our mission.
Thanks was given to the out-going Board led by President Jim Brown during this difficult year, followed by the formal swearing in of Mark and his Board into their new leadership positions, as they prepare to lead the club starting July 1. A special “thank you” was also extended to all the spouses who support their Rotarian “other half” as we get set to start a new Rotary year.

On-going President, Jim Brown, gave a brief summary of the Club’s accomplishments over the past Rotary year which included the successful submission several grants addressing homelessness and food insecurity as issues requiring special COVID-19 relief which were matched by the Gundaker and District Rotary Foundations. Despite the pandemic, there were a group service projects, such as meal preparations for Manna, all safely conducted using social distancing and wearing masks. Thanks to an exceptional effort by our Program Chair, Nan Turanski, our weekly Zoom meetings kept us informed and connected. Jim extended his deepest appreciation to all Club Members for their dedication, support and participation throughout the year.
Incoming President Mark then said some uplifting closing remarks on the hope and promise as Rotarians and all the world look forward to the safe re-opening of our society and lives. The meeting
closed with a recitation of the Four Way Test lead by Past-President Marti Magee.

It was a wonderful, and invigorating evening of Rotary fellowship and service. Congratulations to incoming President Mark Cunningham-Hill and his Board for the coming 2021-22 Rotary Year. They have our strongest support and encouragement.
Many thanks to Cindy Petty for contributing to this post.